I know, I know – I’m tardy in posting again. Sorry. Oh Well, here goes 😉
Beans on toast at Gorilla in Manchester. Supported by Benjamin Folke Thomas, with Jess Morgan opening up proceedings.

May as well start in chronological order for a change.
Jess Morgan chose a good selection of her own songs to get the evening under way. The tempo of her songs was right for a warmup – i.e. not too slow. I enjoyed her set, particularly the song about drivers in Birmingham driving like fishes swim. I’ve never driven around Birmingham, but I’ve been a passenger – and her description is spot on 😀

I’ve seen Benjamin Folke Thomas at the Cropredy Festival some years back.
He’s from Sweden, but I think he must have spent a lot of time in the UK, because he has a very British sense of humour.
His most memorable song of the evening was Stuff of Dreams – about a dream where he beats Paul Newman (The Hustler) at pool.

Jess Morgan and Benjamin Folke Thomas were both in the band for the headliner Beans on Toast.
Beans on Toast is probably best know for his song MDMAmazing about getting stoned at a festival.
His more recent stuff though, is more about bamboo toothbrushes or the birth of his daughter. The subjects of his songs may have changed a bit, but his style is still the same.
Think middle class lefty protest songs, and you’ve probably got a good idea of what to expect. Definitely worth checking out if he’s playing nearby.